Support Agencies
Below is a list of support agencies available to you.
Shelter - helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness
Women's Aid - The key national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children
Broken Rainbow - The LGBT domestic violence charity, providing confidential support to all members of the LGBT communities, their family, friends, and agencies supporting them
The National Homelessness Advice Service (NHAS) - believes no one should be homeless or badly housed for the want of expert advice
Citizens Advice Bureau - Helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice
Connection Support - Work with people with a range of issues including: Mental Health Difficulties, Drug & Alcohol Use, Offending, Domestic Violence, Physical Disability, Learning Difficulty, Age Related Problems and Rough Sleepers
Oasis - The Oasis Partnership offers a range of recovery focussed support services to anyone whose life is affected by their own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use
Smart CJS - Single point of contact for anyone in Buckinghamshire who is experiencing difficulties with their drinking or drug taking
Wycombe Homeless Connection - Free independent support,advice and advocacy for anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness across the South of Buckinghamshire
Aylesbury Homeless Action Group (AHAG) - Provides support and assistance to those who are homeless, socially disadvantaged or inadequately housed
The Albert Kennedy Trust - Supports young LGBT 16-25 year olds who are made homeless or living in a hostile environment